Radiation Detectors
Better Geiger radiation detectors are high performance, low-cost, reliable, and easy to use even by non-professionals.
Can handle extremely high radiation levels
Geiger tubes are slow, solid-state sensors are fast. This allows the Better Geiger to handle extreme situations. The Better Geiger S2 can handle 100x higher radiation levels than typical low cost Geiger counters on the market.
Simple to use
The Better Geiger was designed from the ground up with the goal of being as easy to use as possible. The screen shows information in a simple way so that you don’t need to be an expert to understand what the detector is measuring. Simple and intuitive buttons allow anyone to operate the device easily.
Reliable and rugged
A sealed keypad keeps the internals protected against dust and moisture. The included rubber shock absorber helps protect against mechanical shock. It is powered simply by two AA batteries to avoid running out of power in a situation where charging is not available - just swap the batteries.
Made in the USA.
Designed and developed in Colorado. Detector assembly, quality control, shipments, and customer service are handled locally. All questions and issues are handled by humans. Keeping buyers happy about their equipment is a top priority.
Modern technology for better accuracy
Old-fashioned Geiger counters often give inaccurate readings because they are calibrated to one gamma energy. The Better Geiger uses a scintillator to achieve automatic energy-correction of dose rate measurement for better accuracy in any environment. Solid-state also means higher sensitivity - 5x higher than typical low cost Geiger counters.